Sunday, July 24, 2011

Has it really been a year??

It has been one year since I left everything I knew, everyone I loved, and all that was familiar and took a crazy leap of faith in the name of adventure.

As I think about the last year of my life, and what it has meant to me, it is really difficult to put it into words. If I think back on the person I was when I left O’Hare International Airport on July 24, 2010, and who I am today, the difference amazes me. When I left Chicago, I was scared, uncertain, timid, and not all too confident in myself. I always thought that college helped me to find out who I “was,” but coming here to Japan made me pause and rethink that notion.

For starters, living here has changed me from a young, naïve girl into someone who is confident in herself, independent, and ready for whatever life will throw at her. I had to quickly adjust to living and working in a culture that I knew little about, and where I did not understand the language. I will be honest…the first few months here were rough. I would cry randomly. I would dream about my family and friends back home constantly and then wake up with my heart aching, knowing they were not here. I would even regret my decision to come here. I felt lost and alone.

But soon…my feelings began to change. And they changed mainly because of all of the wonderful people I met who have become some of my closest friends. Coworkers, fellow ALTs, wonderful people who have shown me that it’s ok to be myself. Friends who gave me more confidence than I have ever had. People who have become my second family, and who have shown me true kindness and love. Because of them, my long battle with social anxiety is over. Because of them, I feel at home in Miyazaki even though I am halfway around the world from my first home. Because of them, I feel like I am finally a part of something great.

I have had so many new and exciting experiences here, including: seeing a lot of Japan and traveling abroad to China; joining groups in my community (often as the only foreigner); and realizing the joys and frustrations of teaching.
Not to mention late nights at karaoke bars, camping on the beach, countless festivals, work drinking parties, movie nights at friends’ apartments, and knowing every day will bring something different and exciting…

I am one hundred percent certain that the decision to come here is the best I have ever made, and that the last year of my life has been one of the best (if not the best). And I have a feeling that the second year will be even better! :)