Friday, July 30, 2010

Wow...I'm in Japan...

A shorter post today....

Well, they told us at the orientation that we would have a moment of shock, a realization that we are in a foreign country and have to adjust to a completely new environment. Yesterday, in the stress of trying to figure out the bus schedule, finding a place where I could eat (ie no red meat) and thinking about what I need in my new apartment, I had a mini "freak out" moment--it was just very overwhelming and kind of scary. And today, as I am sitting alone (my predecessor is now in Tokyo), it just feels....very weird. I also don't like the feeling of being completely dependent on others. However, I know that these feelings are normal--after all, I have never lived in a foreign country before and am still getting my bearings. I think once things settle down and I get into a routine and get more independent, I will start feeling much better. Also, I keep reminding myself that this is a growing experience and that I have much to gain from being here. :)

Last night was a lot of fun--I went to a Mexican restaurant (it was surreal, being in Japan and eating Mexican food), took pictures inside one of the super fancy photo booths they have here, and went to a Japanese bar. When I am with other people, I don't feel as overwhelmed...luckily, there will be several other JETs in my apartment complex, and I can hang out with them. Tonight I am moving the furniture into my new apartment and will finally start living there! I can't wait!

I am thinking of and missing everyone back home.


1 comment:

  1. Sandy I hope you're having a wonderful time! Keep it together! You just have to find your rhythm!

