Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Slowly but surely...

I am happy to say that I am finally starting to feel "normal" here. It definitely took some time, but I am farily certain (and hoping) that the worst of my culture shock/homesickness is over. I think this is mostly due to the friendliness and generosity of everyone I have met in Japan. The teachers at my high school have done so much for me, whether taking me shopping and and insisting on looking until I had absolutely everything I needed, taking me out to lunch, giving me little presents on my desk, helping me with paperwork/bills/apartment set up, or just having a good chat to make the work day more fun (I won't officially start teaching until September 13th, so I am kind of sitting around pretending to look busy). One thing that makes me really happy is how many teachers I have found who listen to awesome music: The Carpenters, Simon and Garfunkel, John Denver, and Nat King Cole are all huge in Japan. So is the Sound of Music!!! :) One teacher and I are getting to be very close, and we talked yesterday for three hours. It is perfect because I want to improve my Japanese and she wants to improve her English. And the students are great too! They are eager to talk to me and ask me tonnnns of questions. Today I MET THE CLARINETS IN THE BRASS BAND. As you can imagine, this made me super happy. I listened to them play a bit (they were playing a Disney medley) and then left after about 15 minutes, becuase they seemed very shy while I was there. But they were awesome!!! I really really hope I can help with the band in some way. I also listened to the choir practicing--they are very good as well.

My apartment is finally starting to feel like home. I finally have air conditioning (an absolute necessity in this climate), a washing machine, a refigerator, nice dishes in a cupboard, REAL FOOD (and I found peanut butter!!!!!), some cute decorations, and comfy pillows--little things that make me comfortable. :) I will have my internet one week from today, so that will be great as well. I am also starting to get more comfortable with getting around. I rode my bike around the neighborhood the other day, which was interesting...since the area is so hilly, it is nearly impossible to pedal up a hill but super fun to go down one. Today I am taking off work early and going to the beach...I am very excited about that!!!!

The other ALTs in my building--Cheryl, Nikki, and Nicole--have been awesome. We are all getting to be good friends. I feel so fortunate to be so near to other foreigners--especially since my Japanese skills are so limited. We went to a lantern festival together last weekend--it was absolutely gorgeous.

My birthday was AWESOME!!!!! I went to work and received a number of presents from my colleagues, including a bottle of Italian wine, a variety of sweets, vegetables grown in the school garden, and a cute little cactus plant. I had lunch with the office staff and learned some Japanese, and then I chatted with my new teacher friend who I mentioned above. After school, Cheryl, Nikki, and Nicole came over to celebrate. We had a delicious dinner, with the exception of the rice I made (I cooked it in a rice cooker and managed to burn it, so the rice had this nasty smoky flavor) and drank some wine and beer. They even bought me a cake covered in fruit and with a placard reading "Happy Birthday Sandy!" So, I got to blow out candles on my birthday in Japan. Afterwards, we just sat around and talked. It was sooooo nice.

This morning, I realized that I officially turned 22 (because of the time difference), and at the exact time of my birth I looked out from my balcony, whilst listening to John Denver on my Ipod, and saw a rainbow over the mountains. I'd say that's a good start to my 22nd year. :)

Pictures will come as soon as I get internet in my apartment.

love and miss you all

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